Oroko National Writing Competition

The Oroko national writing competition in order to promote the Oroko people and their culture seeks articles from Oroko writers on the following topics:

  1. Culture
  2. History
  3. Science and technology
  4. Politics
  5. Business
  6. Art and entertainment
  7. Education
  8. Health and environmental conservation

If selected to participate in the competition, you will be invited to submit an article on any of the afore-mentioned topics. All articles must be related to the Oroko Nation.


  1. One or both of your parents must be from the Oroko Nation, i.e., they must come from any of the ten Oroko tribes (Bakundu, Bakoko, Balondo, Balondo ba Diko, Balue, Bakundu, Batanga, Bima, Ekombe, Mbonge, Ngolo).
  2. You intend to write an article on any of the topics above.
  3. Your proposed article will be based on that topic as it relates to the Oroko Nation and its people.
  4. Your proposed article is intended to provide intellectually, culturally, and morally enriching information that would benefit the development of Oroko people.
  5. Your article is at least 500 words. We will not publish anything of more than 2500 words, except under exceptional circumstances.


Selected articles will be published on the Oroko Nation website with authors going home with a cash prize of 5,000FCFA per article.


We will select four articles each month and award the winning authors on the first day of that month. Winning authors will be eligible to enter the competition again, without re-filing this form. All four selected articles will be published on the website over the month.


The deadline to submit articles to be considered for the September cohort is August 25th. All subsequent deadlines will be the 20th of the month prior to the cohort month. That is, if you want your article to be featured in October, you must submit by September 10th, and so on. The deadline to submit this application form is August 20th.
