Dikome Balue Populace Organise 3rd Cleanup Campaign

Sons and daughters of Dikome Balue town from home and abroad have come together to organise the third phase of Keep Dikome Balue clean campaign, slated for this May 20 to 25, 2021.

This phase comes after the second phase which took place from April 7 to 10, 2021 in Dikome Balue. It was 4 days of consistent community work in a bid to at least, clean the village after it had been abandoned for 3 years and counting. It comprised of clearing with both machetes and machines, and using grass killers on some of the grass found on public places like the village square and the chief’s compound.

After the community cleaning, the people appreciated the efforts and thanked their sons and daughters for their timely intervention to assist in the cleaning of the once vibrant town. 

The youth president, Mr. Eseme Dieudonne also observed “I thank every Dikome Balue descendant from every part of the world who has contributed financially, materially, morally and physically to make sure Dikome Balue becomes clean and habitable. The message I’m sending to those of you Dikome Balue denizens out there who weren’t able to reach here is that do not fight amongst yourselves. As our people say ‘rats living in the same nest do not fight with their teeth but with their tails’, so if you have issues, try to resolve them peacefully.”

The head council also voiced his heartfelt appreciation “I want to sincerely thank our brothers and sisters who came all the way here because they understand our plight. Thank you all for coming to make sure that we at the least clean our village. We have been working together for about a week. I am glad that when they came, they met people and together we have done a nice job till today. And for those who couldn’t make it here, we have felt your love and interest for our community through your contributions. We thank you all very much.”

Financial contributions have already commenced prior to the third phase, meanwhile a plan of action is also being finalized. It has been collectively decided that the water catchment in Dikome Balue will be the center of attention. The people have decided that after clearing here and there, the next thing to do is revamp the water system. This is to enable clean tap water to be available once again after three and more years since taps stopped flowing.

This phase hopes to bring more people to participate since the second phase recorded only approximately 50 persons excluding children who are not fit for community work. This was an awfully poor turnout given that a majority of the Dikome Balue population which comprises thousands of people did not show up for one reason or the other.

All roads lead to Dikome Balue this May.