
About Us

About Us

Dikome Balue council is located in Dikome Balue Subdivision, Ndian Division of the South West Region of Cameroon. It is limited in the West by Mundemba council, in the South by Ekondo Titi Council, in the East by Konye council, in the North by Toko council. Its GPS points are:  X = 04.90148; Y = 009.25526; Z = 1168. It situated at 107 km from Douala and 36 km from Kumba. It covers 5000 km2, that is 1,33% of the national territory. It is made of 14 villages divided oming 3 Zones, including Dikome Balue, Difenda Balue, Mbombe Balue, Mofako Balue (Rata Zone).  Ndonono Balue, Ebobe Balue, Betenge Balue, Mekoma Balue,  Itende Balue (Membi Zone). Bonji Balue, Bona Balue, Weme Balue Diboki Balue, Bosunga Balue (Bowedi Zone).It has 1 urbanb space (Dikome Balue) with 7 quarters.


Dikome Balue council is located in Dikome Balue Subdivision, Ndian Division of the South West Region of Cameroon. It is limited in the West by Mundemba council, in the South by Ekondo titi Council, in the East by Konye council, in the North by Toko council. Its GPS points are:  X = 04.90148; Y = 009.25526; Z = 1168. It situated at 107 km from Douala and 36 km from Kumba. It covers 5000 km2, that is 1,33% of the national territory. It is made of 14 villages divided oming 3 Zones, including Dikome Balue, Difenda Balue, Mbombe Balue, Mofako Balue (Rata Zone).  Ndonono Balue, Ebobe Balue, Betenge Balue, Mekoma Balue,  Itende Balue (Membi Zone). Bonji Balue, Bona Balue, Weme Balue Diboki Balue, Bosunga Balue (Bowedi Zone).It has 1 urbanb space (Dikome Balue) with 7 quarters.